If that works, the progress should be available on the newer machine the next time you launch. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. It may be possible to launch Steam from that machine and see if it will Sync the game.

It’s possible that the original file or progress is still on the older machine, but was unable to sync. When visiting, children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult 21 years or older. If you are not seeing your most recent progress and you have double-checked that the game uses Steam Cloud on its store page, either Steam was not able to sync successfully with Steam Cloud before closing, or the sync resulted in a previous version of your data being uploaded to the cloud. If you would like more information regarding an upcoming visit, or a program we’re hosting or if you’d like to plan an event here, please fill out our inquiry form or call us at (603) 476-5900.

If you have steam cloud syncing turned off either globally or for this specific game, your data will not cloud sync even if you have Terraria using the cloud folder.